PSAS/ Airframe Team Home

The airframe team is responsible for design, construction, and maintenance of the physical rocket itself. We work with the body (tube, fins, nose cone, etc.) of the rocket as well as the recovery system (parachutes), electronics mounting and other complex internal systems. We have frequent discussions about the future of the rocket and how it may be built. Once we come up with solid ideas we polish the design and apply principals of mechanical engineering and occasional computer modeling to ensure a working final product. We then construct and test our hardware before assembling the final rocket.

Meetings: The airframe team meets weekly with the main group. See the PSAS schedule page for upcoming meetings.

Airframe Team Mailing list: We have a mailing list for active PSAS airframe team members.

  1. Past Rockets
    1. LV0 ?
    2. LV1 ?
    3. LV2
      1. 1 ?
      2. 2
      3. 3
  2. LV2.3 Conceptual Design
    1. Design overview (in OpenRocket)
  3. Airframe Project Information
  4. Future Project Ideas
  5. Airframe Team Meeting Notes

Past Rockets

New: build a model of LV2.3

Since PSAS has launched more than one rocket we had to start naming them. You will see us refer to things like "LV2.3" which stands for "Launch Vehicle 2, revision 3." Some past rockets include:

LV0 ?

LV1 ?


1 ?


LV2.2 was in many ways a huge success. It was a LV2 class rocket and shares most of it's design with our current rocket. Unfortunately the parachutes never deployed and after impact with the ground nothing was salvageable from the vehicle.


LV2c is our current airframe. Everything on this page is about our current work.

LV2.3 Conceptual Design

Project: We're currently designing the LV2c airframe after our August 2005 successful-but-fatal launch.

LV2c Conceptual Design (Updated 8/19/06)

Design overview (in OpenRocket)

Download our design in OpenRocket: LV2c.ork

Airframe Project Information

Future Project Ideas

Airframe Team Meeting Notes

Note: This is infrequently used as a place to dump notes that we can't think of anyplace to put. It does not mean we are not busy or do not meet often!

Also see: UpcomingAirframeAgenda

To add a new entry, please use the date of the entry (YYYY-MM-DD) and then add a [[!meta title="YYY-MM-DD - Title here!"]] line to give it a title. Don't forget to also tag it with [[!tag airframe]] so it shows up in this list!

RSS Add a new post titled:

2010-10-17 - Launch logistics for launch of LV2.3 with roll control in Brothers, Oregon.

2010-06-27 - **Successful launch of LV2.3** in Brothers, Oregon.

2009-06-16 - Roll stability random discussion notes

2009-05-20 - Pre-launch prep: putting the recovery system together.

2009-04-19 - Drop test of recovery system, with a tad bit more success.

2009-04-05 - Drop test of recovery system.

2009-03-29 - Line cutter assembly and testing.

2009-03-22 - Parachute deployment test in Tigard

2009-03-15 - Test of parachutes in the atrium of the PSU EB

2008-08-13 - Switched launch dates, airframe update, and avionics update.

2008-08-06 - Nosecone built! With Pics!

2008-07-23 - New avionics folks, nosecone mold finished, OSCON

2008-07-16 - PLUG meeting talk, Airframe planning meeting, and spin table handoff

2007-08-08 - General meeting; ikiwiki demo session

2007-04-01 - Dan prototypes the new recovery system, again.

2007-02-04 - Test of the Nose Separation Ring System (SRS)

2006-02-08 - Airframe meeting at general meeting.







2001-05-29 - Airframe Meeting in PCAT 103