Software Team Meeting November 17th, 2004
Attendees: David, Tim, Marcus, Peter, Phil (from next door), Ralph (grad student from OGI).
David worked on simulator, Tim & Marcus fitted the gyro data from LV1a to the data from the video of the rocket spinning, Phil and Ralph came by to learn more about the project and how they can help. Peter ate pizza.
Proposed Agenda:
- Food: If I'm downtown in time, I'll swing by hotlips and get some pizza (1 lg veggie and 1 lg pepperoni, email Peter if you'd like something else). At 7 we can eat and go over status:
- Status updates on items needed for launch; go over software requirements (below) & make sure everything is either done or on the SoftwareToDo list.
- code and be merry.
Software Requirements Outline:
It was a little more than one year ago that we outlined what we needed to work on, and since then we've come a long way: many of the block 1 and block 2 items are either done or nearly so. The revised and updated outline of block 1 and 2 software related items looks something like this: NOTE: UPDATE THIS AT MEETING
Block 1 Software requirements:
- FC [James, w/Andrew & Tim]
- (FC rev1 we think is functional; if we can convert to use rev2 uncanny it will rock)
- IMU [CP] [fake INS]
- Pressure
- Timer (coordinate w/recovery node timer)
- GPS [Jay, possibly Russel]
- Detect: launch, chuff, apogee, recovery (mains @ 600m) (always needs more testing)
- FC->LTC [James? Larry?]
- Rocket Ready
- Init code
- FC infrastructure
- CAN Driver (rev1 works, rev2 will allow us to increase IMU msg speeds) [CP(?), Ian]
- Cantelope (Functionally done; GUI would be nice and some CLI/code cleanup) [Peter]
- Rocketview (Functional, but slow; may be fixed when FC stops sending IMU updates so frequently) [?]
- Launch Control (Near functional; needs to be tested and GUI tweaked) [Peter]
- Simulator (ver1 functional; ver2 will rock) [David Allen]
Block 1 Questions:
- What CP items are we forgetting?
- Are we sure we can get the new driver/fc architecture done in < 1 month? (Meeting schedule has us on testing and code cleanup next week - is that reasonable? Is there a deadline we should set, at which point we need to go back to the old code and make sure that is set and working on the avionics module?)
Block 2 Requirements:
- Full IMU message bandwidth (we hope to have this done along with the block 1 stuff before Dec launch)
- Real INS code w/fake GAINS (GPS position reset) (Go Jamey!) ;)
-- ?PeterWelte - 17 Nov 2004