PSAS/ news/ 2003-03-12

Software Team Minutes for 12 Mar 2003


Location: FAB CS Lounge

Attendees: ?LarryLeach, ?JameySharp, ?JamesPerkins, ?TedHavelka

Action Items%ACTION{ who="Main.JameySharp" due="Tue, 18 Mar 2003" state="closed" }% fill in your parts in the SoftwareFunctionalSpecJune2003

%ACTION{ who="Main.NathanDavenport" due="18 Mar 2003" state="closed" }% fill in your parts of the SoftwareFunctionalSpecJune2003 %ACTION{ who="Main.LarryLeach" due="18 Mar 2003" state="closed" }% fill in your parts of the SoftwareFunctionalSpecJune2003 %ACTION{ who="Main.AndrewGreenberg" due="Tue, 18 Mar 2003" state="closed" }% detail each message sent and recieved by each can node.
Closed: See all _exports.h files in CVS. %ACTION{ who="Main.AndrewGreenberg" due="Tue, 25 Mar 2003" state="closed" }% Specs on what the FC needs to do to the nodes (initialization, etc.) Closed: See _exports.h files in CVS firmware directory %ACTION{ who="Main.AndrewGreenberg" due="Tue, 25 Mar 2003" state="closed" }% Launch script/flowchart, defining FC, LTC and LC communications. Closed: Needs group meeting and creation.

Jamey walked through James' new code with Larry.

Ground Software Architecture

Launch control perspective

Here, system means tower+rocket

So, what we really need to work on is the telemetry view and the WiFi Launch Control->FC uplink.

THings we need to work on

-- ?JamesPerkins - 12 Mar 2003