- 6pm - 7pm PSU Student driver training (required for all student PSAS members!!!)
- 5/17 test day
- Rocket "done"
- Fin calculations before Sunday (Tim, Keith)
- Everyone bring motor and rocket supplies on Sunday (Dan, Dave)
- Launch tower computer + Java app working (Jamey, Josh)
- To do list
- Camera/DVR mounted, 12VDC and 5 OR 3.7 VDC supply ready to install (Dave, Frank)
- More mounting (Dave)
- Get GPS for Telemetrum
- 5/31 launch logistics
- We need a simulation for OROC to get cleared for flight.
- Joining TRA/OROC
- Camping / Motels in the area
- Prep timeslines (Go/No-go decision points)
- Launch timeline
- Bringlist (clean up old lists)
- Student club driving issues
- Driver training
- 6 folks showed up for driver training (thanks Maria!).
- We need a waiver of liability for student group (NOT THE SAME as the OROC liability).
- Any PSU student in a car needs to sign a "personal vehicle request form".
5/17 test day
5/31 launch
- Sunday is going to be a TRA research launch day.
- OROC has permanent portajohn's, so we don't need to do anything (besides maybe help out with costs)
- We'll set up the launch tower where we did in 2005 (get GPS coordinates)
- We'll place our camp at the OROC flight line, not far away (unlike 2005).
- Launch will be between 12:00pm - 1:00pm on Sunday.