PSAS/ news/ 2003-12-02 - General Meeting: updates, integration issues, scheduling

Meeting agenda:

6:00pm - 7:00pm:

  1. Introduction to PSAS for new folks.

7:00pm - 8:30pm:

  1. Team updates
  2. Critical path items and their scheduling
  3. Resources: getting more funding
    • no ideas, but we got a volunteer to write grant proposals!
  4. TWiki: intro to TWiki, naming gotchas, team blogs, etc.
  5. Technical & integration issues, which will slowly dissolve into...

8:30pm - ?:

  1. ... team meetings (software and communication teams at the least)

Airframe team:

Propulsion team:




Some demo Twiki testing done at the meeting...

Here's some new text. ?NewTestPage.

This is a link to the projects page.
