Where: At Andrew's house
Who: Andrew, Michael
- Michael continued to work on Tim's HC14 circuit from hell, which we'll try again to get working tomorrow evening.
- Andrew whipped out the power/umbilical cord distribution board schematic and modfied it a dozen times as Michael soldered it up. Should be done Wednesday evening.
- Glenn worked on the 1.3GHz ground antenna.
Stauts: Once we get the Power/Umbilical distribution board and the LT micro modification, the only hardware issues left will be:
- Mounting everything to the avionics module, which is not a trivial amount of work,
- The infamous patch antennas.
- Integration and test of the individual nodes. Hopefully the integration - meaning hooking up the CAN bus across nodes - will just work. Yeah, right.
Where: At FAB155 CS Lab
Who: Jamey, James, Larry, Bart, Nate
- Nate is working on his ATV Can node firmware. Code is complete but is not yet compiling.
- Larry demoed his dtmf code again, and began developing a java gui to go on top of the communication code. Bart helped with design questions.
- Jamey deleted gotos from his can muxer under Bart's baleful eye.
James got the telemetry server to send broadcast packets, and the attached jpg shows two telemetry clients -- the one in the black background screen is running on the lv2, and the one in the white background screen is running on the laptop.
Broadcast packet reception on lv2 and laptop: