Where: At Andrew's house
Who: Nate, Andrew, Jamey, Paul, Tim
- Andrew finished the building the GPS CAN node. It now uses a switching power supply in place of a linear one, and so now doesn't overheat.
- Paul got his speeding fast Pentium 166MHz laptop up and running with Win98 and all of the CAN node development tools... he walked away with the GPS board, so now he's good to go with getting that node done.
- Nate tried a few more layouts on the ATV "distribution" board, and found something that seems to work. He'll try a few more things, and then start soldering things up.
- Tim simulated a bunch of junk on Clementine on Andrew's laptop and found out that Clementine is in fact screwed up (or we don't understand it at all). We decided to go to "plan b" which is to simulate and optimize the antenna elements in Clementine, and then just design the corporate feed structure using formulas and call it good.
- Jamey got some more code reviewing done.
Where: James' house
Who: James
- James?
Where: Larry's house
Who: Larry
- Larry?
...Anyone else?