Who: Paul, Andrew, James, Jamey, Michael, Larry, Bart, Markus
The skinny:
- James updated the driver, canmuxer, and other software to work on the upgraded FC kernel. See details below at end of minutes
- Andrew brought Michael uptodate on the goings on.
- Markus struggled with Win98 to get his CAN node tools up and running. Sorry, Markus.
- Larry worked on java code for the uplink system. Larry - status?
- Paul brought X up on OS X on his Titanium (how cool is that?)
Where we are:
We're in good shape, but of course we're still 6 months behind schedule ;) The big push now is to get the get a "bench-top" or "rats nest" system working. Once the bench top system is working, we'll have an idea of how to mount the thing in the avionics module and clean it up.

Flight Avionics Hardware Status 8/13/2002
Black = exists, Red = to do, "M" = connect by hand (no other PCB needed)
Here's a rough, arguably flawed listing of our priorities:
- Get the 2m "rocket body" antenna turned and done.
- Get the java uplink software and interface to the Mocom done.
- Patch antennas!
- Get the GPS node up and running.
- Get the IMU up and running.
- Get the canmux to get the messages to rocketview.
- Get rocketview to display the previous data.
- Get the uplink node, umbilical node and the 802.11 power amp switch working.
- Get the ATV system working.
- Get the ATV node working with overlay and power switches.
If we actually accomplish all of this (miracle?) then we'll have the completed LV2 first-flight system. We'll get fancier for LV2b by redoing the boards and adding functionality in the firmware and software.
Flight Computer activities (James):
- FC: moved can.o module to new directory /lib/modules/2.4.18/misc
- FC: set up /etc/modules to load can.o (followed with /etc/init.d/modutils)
- FC: added can driver options to /etc/modutils/local (ran update-modules)
- FC: in /etc/pcmcia played with wireless.opts and network.opts so wireless and net cards come up properly config'ed. Much use of 'cardctl {insert,eject} 0'
- Laptop: set up NAT on my laptop (installed package ipmasq), also replaced ipchains with iptables
- FC: configured to default route through wireless to Laptop to NAT to everywhere
- FC: apt-get update & upgrade via wireless & laptop NAT
- FC: apt-get clean & rm -rf /usr/share/doc/*
- FC: problems with writing to compact flash disk causes NETCARD WATCHDOG problems
- FC: turned off ext3 journaling: change /etc/fstab to mark /dev/hda1 as ext2, 'init 1; mount -o remount,ro /dev/hda1; tune2fs -O ^has_journal; reboot'
- Laptop: apt-get update & upgrade
- psas server: cleaned up old pcmcia-cs stuff and obsolete FC 2.4.5 kernel stuff
- psas server: configed kernel for FC in /usr/src/rocket-2.4.18 to have CONFIG_FILTER (packet filter API) and CONFIG_PACKET (Berkeley packet API)
- psas server: compiled new FC kernel with "make-kpkg kernel_image"
- FC: cleaned out old kernel image and modules (2.4.5, 2.2.18)
- FC: updated /etc/lilo.conf, reran lilo -v, rebooted, it works
- laptop: started looking at replacing aclocal/autoconfig/automake with hand-coded Makefiles