The system test at OMSI was a lot of working with not a lot of results, but it was a fun day. Kudos to all who showed up to make this happen, especially Larry for setting it up and Brian and Jimmy for hauling the heavy stuff. Larry, Bart, Andrew, Paul, James, Jamey, Brian, Jimmy and Jim all showed up today. After arriving at 8:30am, we eventually left OMSI around 6:30pm.
Here's what we accomplished:
- Packed chutes and got the drogue chute caught in various trees
- Assembled rocket and duct-taped to launch tower.
- Got an 18F CAN node (the IMU) to talk to the Flight Computer, after 6 months of trying.
- Got a WAP connected to OMSI's public-side network for network access on the plaza (which was originally being stomped on by a series of X10 cameras from another exhibit - they were on Channel A,B so by switchin gto 802.11b channel 10 we avoided their interference).
- Jamey got the launch tower computer (the Compaq) and the launch tower micro (the AVR board) to work, letting him run around the OMSI plaza randomly turning the launch tower siren on and off. Go Jamey! We even tested the ignition circuit, which worked, so it looks like all of the launch tower systems are working.
Left to do:
- All antennas, esp. the cylindrical patches
- CAN aplication firmware
- Mounting the entire avionics package :(
- Ground software
- Bottom launch clamp replacement
James' Pictures from the event:
Brian attaches stabilizers to launch tower:
Larry guards LV-2:
brian & jimmy, rocket duct-taped to tower:
Jamey coding, rocket behind:
Brian battles parachute-eating tree:
Success! Brian w/parachute, Jamey & Bart:
James, Larry, ? and Brian:
PSAS at OMSI Space Days 2002:
Rocket Tower reflected in OMSI building:
Launch Control Module:
Jamey running tower siren via wireless:
Things that go up: rocket, tower, building, sun:
Launch tower guts, real coffee & Jamey:
Jimmy, Andrew, Jamey:
Brian's pictures from the event:
Jamey, James, ?, Andrew:
Larry, James, Jamey, Bart, Andrew, Jimmy:
Space Day at OMSI 2002:
Pre-System test Notes:
Times and Dates
- Meet at 9:00am at OMSI
- Setup, meetings and system tests all day
- Leave "after we're done", probaby early evening
- Assemble airframe
- Pack recovery system
- Integrate with launch tower
- Test LCC -> Antenna -> Antenna -> LTC -> LT micro -> igniter + umbilical
- GPS CAN node -> FC -> TC
- Launch scripts for 8/3
Stuff to bring & who's bringing it
- Flight Computer + Lucent 802.11b card - James
- CAN nodes - Andrew, Nate, Paul
- Camera & cables - Andrew
- Overlay - Andrew
- ATV TX + cables - Glenn
- Tools & Material (soldering, cutting, etc) - Andrew
- Documentation laptop - Andrew
- Motor adapter, Modules, aeroshell, nose cone
- Main parachute, deployment bag, drogue chute, nomex cover
- rigging, line cutter, connection hardware, rubber bands, baby powder
- shear pins, 8-32 fasteners, threadcerts
- duct tape, 5 min epoxy, screwdrivers, flashlight, dremel, flexible ruler, markers
- clam-shell clamps
- saw horses, pedestal
- Documentation laptop - Bart
Ground Systems
Launch Tower (LT):
- LT, rail, tools necessary, air compress/bottle, ext. cords, power strips, etc - Jimmy
- Launch Tower laptop (Compaq) - Andrew
- Lucent 802.11b card - James (w/flight computer)
- 2.4GHz antenna + cable - Glenn
- Lucent connectors - Andrew
- Umbilical cord - Tim
Launch Control Module (LCM):
- LCM, tools necc., camper jacks, ext. cords, power stripts, etc - Brian
- Launch Control laptop - James
- Lucent 802.11b card - James (w/flight computer)
- 2.4GHz antenna + cable - Glenn
- Lucent connectors - Andrew
- LC PA system - Glenn
- Telemetry laptop - Jamey
- Lucent 802.11b card - James (w/flight computer)
- 2.4GHz/1.3GHz antenna + cables - Glenn
- Lucent connectors - Andrew
- ATV System
- 1.3GHz/2.4GHz antenna + cable - Glenn
- ATV downconverter + cables + PS - Glenn
- Working VCR - Brian
- Color TV - Andrew
- Ground GPS system
- GPS + connector board + cables + PS - Andrew
- GPS antenna + LCM mounting pole - Andrew
Other Ground Station:
- 802.11b AP? - Andrew (w/ok of OMSI)
- Tent - NA (hopefully it's not going to rain)
- Tables, chairs, bathrooms, etc: OMSI
- Drinks & Snacks - ?
- Fire Control equipment - NA
- FRS radios - Andrew & Bart