Participants: Jamey, Jason, Matt, Tim, Kathy, Maggie, Brian, Andrew, Bart, Dave, Holly
Airframe Update:
- Calculated shear force of 50lbs on nosecone at Mach 3.5 at a 1 degree angle of attack. This means we need a bunch of sheer pins - if each takes 22lbs. Will be tested.
- Fin design already done, but should be redone. Rotational inertia is sort of a problem due to the long length of the rocket.
- Going to use body parachute from LV1 for LV2.
Launch Site:
- Next Brian's going to start the FAA waiver process.
- Jim or Larry might check it out.
- Tested O motor (25000ns), 136mm, first one with vacuum degassed grains and thicker liner (great video!)
- Can expect an O for the September Black Rock
- N motor for June already done.
- Glenn is designing the patch antenna
- James is coming back on line for PSAS stuff in the next week or so (hopefully).
- Switching gears: Going to stuff a few CAN boards and get stuff working.
Launch Logistics:
- 10' x 20' tent
- two folding tables + 12 folding chairs
- Range Safety Officer
- Launch Control Officer
- Need: pack list, prep lists,
- Dave is now the recovery team meeting
- Want to use FRS radios if possible, at least for local communications
- Otherwise, use 2m for long distance comms.
- 2x 1.3GHz YAGI antennas for finding the rocket if GPS fails
To do:
- Larry and Maggie to help Brian get the FAA waiver.
- Jim may go camping in a few weeks. Larry might be able to as well.
- Launch site info to Jim, Larry and Bart