Meeting Notes 01/23/02
Oregon Space Grant Version 2.0
Title: Student Design of an Inertial Navigation System for a Modular Sounding Rocket
- Money for:
- New sensors - FOGs, new MEMs, 3D magnetometer, DGPS (+station)
- New boards
- Test stands & test equipment (equipment?)
- Tool building (CAN protocol analyzer, telemetry system)
- Possible demo hardware - ducted fan, actuators, umbilical
- Precision tracking system (tracking dishes)
- * Hybrid and actuator development *
What we did:
- Jamey: Source to the diagrams for statemachine
Go Jamey!
What we're STILL going to do (prioritized):
- Andrew/James: CANalyzer
- Jamey: write rocketview documentation with Larry
- Larry (w/James) is writing the software objective list and task breakdown and schedule
- Paul is researching smart batteries and SMB
- Andrew: Lv1b docs and code to TWIKI
- James: System level stuff (R,Y,G diagram)
Glenn: Figure out dopplar shift for real
Andrew: Better intro page graphically linking different avionics systems
- Andrew: Jump on Glenn's back about the radio system
- Andrew: Request for hardware people
- Andrew: Add LV1b state transitions to Flight Sequence pages
- Glenn: Get going on the radios
- Jamey: Computer to VCR board
- Jamey: multiple heads from the ACM
CAN Protocol Analyzer
- "CANabus": CAN bus analyzer
- Purpose: Real time display of the state of the CAN bus
Care about the bus state, not so much about the messages themselves
Would like to display:
- Bus utilization (%)
- Packet frequency ((pkt msg id)/sec)
- Receive Error display:
- bit stuff errors
- CRC errors
- Error Frames, overload frames, etc.
- Error counts - predicted error states of transmitting nodes
What we'd like to be able to do:
- Transmission:
- Put dummy packets on the bus (bus flood)
- Track error passive/active states on transmit
- Capture messages to file (redirect to CANMuxer if possible)
- Be able to generate bus errors (asynchronous and isochronously?)
What we'd like to see:
- Flood to see that low priority messages don't kill things
- Flood with high priority messages to see what the performances limits are
- How system responds to a noisy node (error actives)