In attendance: James, Bart, Keith, Jamey, Nathan, Tim, Larry, Andrew, Dennis
Flight Computer Update:
- IT'S ALIVE! With Keith's help - or better yet, because of Keith - we got the MOPS520 to boot Linux via a floppy on a stolen 3.5" floppy drive. It was an ugly mess of cables: Andrew's 5V supply didn't have the amps to power the board, so we used a x86 box without a processor and stole the power supply. But it worked!
- The details: We built a simple boot floppy using syslinux, which we will never ever do again, booting a minimal 2.4.9 kernel and an initial ramdisk. Basically we spent a very long time trying to get syslinux to work; building the kernel and the ramdisk was really straightforward.
Flight Sequence / FC State Machine Update:
- Jamey, Larry and Andrew went over the flight sequence and the FC statemachine.
To do:
- Jamey will build a bootstrap disk for the FC, with just enough to mount an NFS share and copy a real kernel and software to flash; and will implement CanMuxer.
- Andrew will build a quick power supply and jig to keep it all stable and will finally order CompactFLASH cards.
- Bart will finally get a hold of those 802.11b cards.
- Larry will post FC statemachine, and other pictures, to the web asap.
- James will scan and email that drawing of the flight sequence to Andrew to make sure we didn't forget anything.
-- AndrewGreenberg - 23 Aug 2001