Go to Psas.xls, SHEET 2, to show bar graphs of GLOW2, GLOW for a TSTO vehicle
Delta-V2 = 0 to 9100m/s is the range of the independent variable.
Two stages permit the use of realistic specific impulses: 270/290 sec.
And more realistic propellant mass fractions: Lp = 0.84 to 0.88
Explain the GLOW mass changes, both stages, as a function of the free parameter, V2
Show how to manually find the Minimum GLOW for the given inputs.
Ref SHEET 3 to show the Minimum GLOW at different Lps.
Ref SHEET 4 to compare SSTO masses directly with TSTO masses and stress the wider range of Lps for the TSTO vehicle.
Copyright (c) 2000 by Rainier Anacker
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