LV1b Team Meeting
In attendance: Brian, Andrew, Tim, Nathan, Dennis, Bart, Jamey, Glenn, Jimmy
Update on LV1b progress
We had a great LV1b meeting tonight - most everyone made it, and we even got quite a bit accomplished.
Not much has changed on LV1b status. Nothing new on the hardware, and the firmware is very, very close - Andrew will have it finished (!) by Friday. Then the long process of debugging starts.
We went over the "LV1b Task List" - the list of everything needed to be done in order to launch LV1b. Although it was long (!), we decided that only a few of the items that aren't ready which are really critical for launch: The 900MHz downlink system, the GPS unit, and (of course) the firmware.
However, the 900MHz system will be tested this Sunday (July 16th - anyone who can help would be appreciated!), the firmware should be completed over the next two days, and the GPS unit is fairly close to being done - just a few hardware and software things left.
So, since it turns out that we don't need to file the waiver until next week, we decided to meet next Wednesday July 19th for the go/no go decision. That will give us time to finish the firmware, test the 900MHz system and see where the GPS is.
Finally, we went over the Flight Computer states - what constitutes a launch detect, what constitutes an apogee detect, etc.
LV1b Task List |
Discussion: This document lists everything left to do before launch organized by system.
Critical systems which need work are highlighted in yellow.
Last Updated: Wed. 07/12/00
Ground Systems
Launch Control Module (Control computer, bridge, ground communications computer) Launch Tower Launch Tower Computers and Microcontroller Wireless Ethernet Bridge (cable replacement available) Power Systems |
Ground Systems Software
Downlink decode and display (FCSView) Launch Tower Control Software |
Airframe Rollerons/Fins Launch Clamps |
Recovery System
Payload parachutes Body parachute Interface Plate Separation Charge & Igniters Camera Shroud System |
Motor Igniters Motor |
144.45MHz Uplink 400MHz ATV Avionics Frame & cabling Avionics Power Supply Pyrotechnics Power Supply
Flight Computer |
Avionics Firmware
GPS-Aided Inertial Navigation System (GAINS) |