Wednesday's meeting went well. There were about 15 members in attendance. After a brief round of introductions a short presentation was given on our group and were we are going. Afterwards team reports were given:
LV1b avionics are coming along great. another 900Mhz downlink test is planned for this weekend.
The incircuit debug routine specifications are completed.
The new flight computer operating system is nearly complete.
By next meeting we should have a better idea were we stand with the software and be able to make
a better informed prediction on when we'll be ready for launch.
Construction facilities are set up for the manufacture of LV2.
Dennis Y. submitted his preliminary design drawings for the new break-away launch lugs.
Enough material has been purchased to build component modules for testing.
A couple of new Mechanical Engineering students have joined the team are
working on airframe optimization
Motor development is moving forward. One round of propellant characterization
has been completed. One prototype 'M' motor hase been built and tested with
negative results. The motor is being redesigned and another test should
follow shortly
Public Relations:
We have finished putting together a press kit and multimedia CD for potential sponsors.
We also reviewed the new PSAS CdRom business card at the meeting. We are going ahead with production.
We discussed our grant request to the Oregon Space Grant and are waiting to hear back on the resuslts.
Preliminary design of breakaway launch lugs for LV1b |
Download full set of pictures in .pdf version (59k) |