* First meeting of the new year! About 10 people showed up all rested from the holiday break and ready to move forward with the plan for world domination. It was a good meeting. It lasted about 3 hours and we discussed all the issues that need to be resolved in order for us to launch. We broke down the remaining tasks and assigned them to members.*
* We have yet to hear anything from the FAA on our waiver for the Central Oregon site. We have decided to push back the proposed launch date because we are anticipating that there will be a bit of a delay with the FAA and also some scheduling difficulties with team members.*
* We have decided on February 7, 1999 as a tentative date. This is still contingent on the FAA granting the waiver and also on the weather, but we have our fingers crossed.*
Here is a breakdown of the tasks still left to complete :
LV1 Pre-Launch Task List v2.0 1/5/99
AG - Andrew Greenberg
BO - Brian O'Neel
GL - Glenn LeBrasseur
JW - James Ward
KK- Ken Kveton
MK - Michael Kennan
MM - Matthew McFadden
MO - Matt O'neil
MR - Matt Rupert
RS- Ron Simonson
SD- Steve Davis
Launch Logistics
- Secure FAA waiver BO
- Verify with BLM - overnight camping? AG
- Get 2nd truck to move equipment BO
- Bring tent (w/side coverings). Rent tables and chairs. AG
- Get spare inverter MR/MK
- Bring Solar array, batteries and 250W inverter up to spec. Ext. cords, strips. AG
- Make sure Ken's generator is available and is working KK
- Good munchies Everyone!
Ground Support
- Fine tune launch tower, add rail tabs that lock into brackets. JW/BO
- Index all tower components. JW/BO
- Build blast deflector. JW/BO
- Repair CO2 regulator. JW/BO
- Finish launch control box: 200' small gauge wire, battery connectors, etc. Test. AG
- Make motor igniters (3) (use electric Match materials?). Test (w/#5). SD
- Bring radios, TVs, computers, VCRs, Video tape, etc. for ground data acquisition. AG/GL/RS/MM/SD
- Bring tools, equipment, etc. AG/GL
- HPVEE Program RS
- Possible LabVIEW program (LabVIEW grant) RS/AG
- LCM Jacks, LCM Prep BO
- Build Theodelites, test. GL
Payload Module
- Repair nose cone. BO
- Complete camera shroud: Add mirror, build pyro system, test. Test with FC and BCC. SD
- Verify fit of BNCs between antenna and payload module GL
- Build new ribbon cable for camera. Strain relief? Better connectors? SD
- Make Payload parachute attachment points flush MR
- Rework FC/IMU frame for correct X coordinate, stiffness, and mounting in payload frame AG
- Install connectors between BSS and FC GL
- Rework 9V battery mounting? GL
- Make more Borgified Solar igniters (with longer leads - about 1.5ft) MK
- Make 4 more 1.5g payload ejection charges MO
- Debug communication between FC and HPVEE/LabVIEW AG/RS
Interface Plate
- Install electronics package in IPRS MR
- Test IPRS system TB/AG/MR
- More Borgified Solar igniters (with longer leads) for interface plate MK
- Make sure payload ejection charge doesn't trigger or jam Interface Plate MR
- Make pyro charges (5) for interface plate MO/MR
- Retest IPRS mechanicals, pyros, and electronics (under drogue load from back of truck). BO/MR/AG/TB
Recovery Systems
- Finish main parachute. BO
- Test main extraction from body tube with drogue. BO
- Attach main chute shock line to inside of lower lug to keep it from interfering with retraction. BO
- Determine potential for interface plate collapsing main chute. BO
- Determine attachment method of drogue to main. BO
- Recalculate descent rates with modified drogue and payload chute diameters BO
- Secure 98mm motor casing. BO