* * This weekend OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) held their annual 'Space Days' to promote space and space related activities.
Portland State University AESS attended the event and had on display our current project (LV-1) and our earlier project (LV-0). Complete with launch vehicles and payload.
We set up in the main auditorium of OMSI along with several other local space and rocketry organizations. Those who attended the function were : The Oregon chapter of the National Space Society, Oregon Rocketry (Tripoli and NAR organizations), SASRA (Salem Area Space & Rocketry Association), NASA Ames Research Center, and the OMSI Space Flight Academy. There was a very good turn out and we spent the day answering questions from parents and children on space and our project.
Among the organizations there were some pretty impressive displays. The local L5 chapter of the National Space Society had a working remote controlled Mars rover which could be maneuvered over a simulated Martian terrain while viewing it through a small monitor. They also had a lot of very cool information on their Moon and Mars lava tube imaging work. Oregon Rocketry had a very nice display of High Powered Rockets ranging from 3inches high to around 10 feet. They also had a full compliment of solid and hybrid rocket motors on display and had video running of local and national High Power launches. If your in the local area and are interested in going to a launch contact them (OregonRocketry.com). The Salem Area Space & Rocketry Association had a large display of rockets and related equipment including an experimental photo reconisance rocket. Also on hand was a representative from the NASA Ames research facility with a display of past, current, and future projects. OMSI also had several shuttle flight simulators set up in the auditorium that were never vacant of future pilots.
All in all it has been a good weekend and I believe informative for the general public as to what is happening in the local space scene and how to get involved.