First Meeting Wednesday 2008-12-03
Prof. Allen expects to meet with the team weekly and have weekly progress reports (WPRs).
No initial presentation required.
Final presentation will be given at a PSAS meeting.
Andrew wants all work done on wiki, keeping a blog for the project, and Prof. Taylor wants design notebooks to train us for industry work, so we will be doing both.
WPRs are to be done at least the day before the weekly meeting.
10 hours per week required, Andrew will ask for more – this is a big project, and they want to get it done.
Industry sponsors suggest grade, Prof. Taylor assigns grade.
A finished board is not required to pass, but rather how much work has been put in during the term and a schematic design minimum.
Tentative team assignments:
- David: Battery Charger, Battery Selection, Power Switches
- Scott: LTC Comm, Battery Charger, Redesign Pyro supply
- Ailing: Sensors, Firmware for Pyro and APS
- Jeremy: Firmware for Pyro and APS
- Ken: Update current SPS, Update HAP
- Mike: Firmware for Pyro and APS
Required reading is Capstone 2006 introduction and pertinent sections
Initial timeline: Capstone Meeting 1.xls