(add some pictures)
2m Radio Receiver for the LV2 Recovery Node
A 2m amateur radio receiver which sends audio (in out case, DTMF tones) to the Recovery Node.
- Good link: http://www.geocities.com/hagtronics/2_meter.html
- Ground radio Yaesu FT-1500m. The Yaesu FT-2800m replaced the FT-1500m
Work in progress
The board has been fabbed and tested and works great when shielded. See schematic and board attached below.
Here are the RSSI voltages I measured in the lab on 6-Sep-2004. They are independent of the tuning of the demodulator, and SINAD. These voltages seemed real similar when Keith and I re-tested on 11-Sep-2004 in the desert.
RSSI voltage vs applied 144.0 MHz dead carrier:
-50 dBm 0.97 volts DC
-60 0.87
-70 0.77
-80 0.64
-90 0.54
-100 0.52 (Expected to be MDS)