Phillips LPC2148
Things to Look for
* fast flash
- the process type (e.g. 0.1u process)
- power consumption
- Serial boot (also known as UART boot, ROM boot, and boot loader)
- wait states on the memory (1 wait state means you lose one clock cycle)
- real time clock
- has eCos been ported to it?
- drivers
- software tools support (and what license is it under)
- internal interrupt handling
- clock generation - how many PLLs will we use
- internal voltage regulators - we want to avoid them
- memory read speeds and widths
- ADC speed - need at least 2.5KHz on each channel (not total)
- pin tradeoffs - what do we need and what do we have to give up to get it?
- how long to bring up internal oscillators?
- 5V tolerance on GPIO
Fast flash
This is not the answer but - 256 byte programming in 1 ms. Erase whole part in 400 ms
Process type
Power consumption
Serial boot
Serial boot loader uses UART0. Pg 291
Memory wait states
PLL0 runs system clock, PLL1 runs USB 40 MHz clock, Multiplier integer between 1..32.
External 32 kHz crystal, Y,M,D,H,M,S,DoW,DoY, interrupt out, Seperate VBat supply, Alarm
Not on eCos page of supported targets. Phillips talks about uC/OSII and Chron OS.
SW Tools
Internal interrupts
20 sources of internal int; Modes= Fast Interupt Request (FIQ), Vectored, Non-vectored; 32 IRQ's, 16 vectors, 16 priorities, Software IRQ, 9 external IRQ, wake up on IRQ.
Clock generation
10 to 25 MHz crystal -> XTAL1/XTAL2 -> PLL0. We would choose a 12 MHz crystal with a multiply of 5
Internal voltage regulation
No access to internal 1.8 volt linear regulator
Memory read/write speed, width, wait states
ADC Speed
14 channels; ADC0 400 kS/s => 6 channels, ADC1 400 kS/s => 8 channels; Range 0..VDAA (=3.3V)
Pin tradeoff
Many AF pins use P0 pins;
Internal Osc startup time
5 volt tollerance on GPIO
Yes; Also, GPIO's are inputs on reset
- USB supports DMA, and has 8 kB internal DMA RAM
- UARTS have integrated baud rate generators, do autobaud, do HW flow control, look like 16C550
- 2 Eval boards available
- Keil MCB2100, IAR LPC210x
Things we don't like
- The Philips part exclusively uses an internal 1.8V voltage regulator. That means we can't hook up our switching power supply, which makes Tim unhappy.
- Cannot boot directly from the USB.
Things we do like
- 48 MHz and 60 MHz from a 12 MHz crystal
- More complete USP implementation, doing DMA to internal static RAM