LV2 IMU CAN Node Firmware
IMU CAN Node Hardware Stuff:
The IMU CAN node is a PIC16F877+SJA1000 PCB (from 6/2001) modified to use a PIC18F458 with, of course, an IMU.
Schematic is attached below.
Hardware interface:
PIC Pin No: ..which is IMU function: RD0 - RD7 (see schem.) MAX197 ADC Pins D0 - D7 RC1 (pin 35) MAX197 ADC /WR (pin 3) RC0 (pin 32) MAX197 ADC /RD (pin 4) RE0 (pin 25) MAX197 ADC /CS (pin 2) RB0 (INT0) (pin 8) MAX197 ADC /INT (pin 24) RE2 (pin 27) MAX197 ADC HBEN (pin 5) RC2 (pin 36) ADXLxxx Accelerometer test RA0/AN0 (pin 19) Thermister on IMU board
IMU CAN node Firmware notes:
Attached below is firmware from the IMU calibration project which used a PIC16F877 to sample the the ADC and stream the data over a serial line. It should be a great place to start for writing the IMU interface code.
imu firmware.ZIP: send/recv can mesg needs more work gnu-ish style; new dir struct added; recv can mes