PSAS/ osconbooth2008

PSAS Table at OSCON 2008

This year's Open Source Convention (OSCON) is being held at the Convention Center. Here's the link to the location details:

Access to the Expo Hall is free, but last year they asked me to "register" anyway, so you might want to get there a few minutes before your "shift" for just that reason.

Wednesday, July 23rd

Doors open at 10am

Maria will arrive at 9:45a to get signed in, etc.

Thursday, July 24th

Doors open at 10am

Sign up for as many slots as you can! We need to have at least 1 person at the table at all times, but 2-3 is optimum so folks get a chance to check out the Expo floor.

Time Slot Wednesday, July 23rd Thursday, July 24th
10a - 11a Maria, Julian Maria, Julian
11a - 12p Maria, Julian Maria, Julian
12p - 1p Julian Julian
1p - 2p Julian, Ian Julian
2p - 3p Ian Julian
3p - 4p Ian Julian
4p - 5p Ian Julian