PSAS/ CantalopeSoftwareRequirements

CANtalope Software Requirements.

This document describes the features that CANtalope should support (it does not talk about the requirements for running CANtalope; see the CantalopeSoftwareManual for that). If there are any features CANtalope doesn't have but should, please edit this page and describe them.

The interface for early revs of Cantalope will be cli. This way the output can be redirected into a file (as a standard unix tool should be). Later, this will be a shiney gui with bells and whistles.


Here's an example:

|Time Stamp      | CAN ID                     | RTR | DLC | DATA                    |
| 00:00:00.000.1 | 01011101010 / 0x2EA / 746  |  0  |  3  | 00 AF EE                |
| 00:00:00.000.2 | 01011101011 / 0x2EB / 747  |  1  |  0  |                         |
| 00:00:00.001.6 | 01011101100 / 0x2EC / 748  |  0  |  8  | 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 |

And an input value should look something like this:

CANtalope> 0x2ec 1 3 0x01 0x02 0x03

where the input is what you expect: 0x implies hex, 0b implies binary, and 0 implies decimal.

GUI features:

If you're interested in the developement of the CANtalope GUI, please examine this list and edit it and/or send email to shark (.At.) Currently I'm thinking it should look similar to a chat program, with a text field to write messages, a text area to display them, and perhaps some other options.

Then, to send only the messages out that we wrote, we'd do: grep WROTE logfile | cantalope write - . Or something. Note that the "#WROTE#" and "#READ" are put there by the code and not entered by the user.
